Rick Warren to Preach in Hong Kong, Macau in July

Rev. Rick Warren, author of the world’s best-seller Purpose Driven Life, will be preaching in Hong Kong and Macau in July, introducing an opportunity for spiritual renewal to Chinese churches in great

Rev. Rick Warren, author of the world’s best-seller Purpose Driven Life, will be preaching in Hong Kong and Macau in July, introducing an opportunity for spiritual renewal to Chinese churches in greater China region.

A two-day conference with the theme "Preaching to Change Life" is to be held in Hong Kong on July 21-22 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Warren and a team of pastors from his home church Saddleback Church in California will be the main speakers. Targeted on pastors, missionaries and seminary students in Hong Kong, the conference aims to help participants master the skill of preaching and applying the word of God in the 21st century with the aid of "40 Days Purpose Driven" model, and to achieve spiritual renewal in the church.

The lectures will feature on three key areas: preaching to transform, behavior preaching and practical preaching. All of these preaching skills combine to change the life of the congregation, to mobilize them to change their behavior and to respond to the need of the society in this era. English is used as the main language with translation to Cantonese and Mandarin.

Alongside with the conference, a sharing meeting "Cell . Mobilization" will be hosted on July 21 by Rev. Mark Carver, the international director of Purpose Driven model, at Kowloon City Baptist Church. Cell church leaders, ministers, elders and believers are all invited. Several Hong Kong pastors, who have adopted Purpose Driven model in their churches successfully, will respond and share their experiences as well.

The meeting aims to help cell church leaders mobilize the congregation to live with the Great Commission at the workplace, in cell group and in adversity.

To bring great blessings to Hong Kong churches, 10,000 copies of the book "Purpose Driven" and 500,000 small booklets "The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?" in Chinese language will be distributed for free to believers and non-believers.

The programs in Hong Kong are co-organized by Purpose Driven Ministries and Christian Communication Inc., which is an international Chinese Christian ministries based in the U.S. and the official agent for the translation and distribution of all Chinese Purpose Driven resources worldwide. A local evangelical organization Hong Kong Church Renewal Movement (HKCRM) supports the event.

Rev. Lau Siu-hong, senior pastor of the Hong Kong Baptist Church is the executive advisor for the conference. Representative Pastors from the four churches in Hong Kong that have received Purpose Driven Church Health Awards 2006 in May, will be part of the coaching team. The Evangelical Community Church, Kwai Shing Baptist Church, Shatin Baptist Church and Tin Chung Alliance Church are actually the only four Chinese churches among the forty-six wining congregations from 18 American states and 13 other nations.

Prior to the trip to Hong Kong, Warren is expected to participate in the high-profile 7th Chinese Congress on World Evangelism (CCOWE) in Macau, organized by the Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism (CCCOWE). Over 2,500 Chinese evangelical leaders around the world will join the congress. He will speak on the theme "The P.E.A.C.E. Plan: The Purpose-Driven-Missions" during some workshops.

The Purpose Driven model offers church leaders a unique, biblically-based approach to help them establish, transform, or maintain a balanced, growing congregation. A balanced, growing congregation is one that is growing larger in numbers as it grows deeper in carrying out the God-given purposes for churches through worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and missions. It is used by congregations of all sizes, denominational and non-denominational, charismatic and non-charismatic, new plant and well-established, urban and rural.

Thirty thousand congregations in the United States and thousands more worldwide have walked through the discipleship program, 40 Days of Purpose, which is based on Rick Warren’s best-selling book The Purpose Driven Life. The book has sold nearly 30 million copies since October 2002. Since the book is translated to multiple languages, it is now becoming more and more influential among Chinese churches in the United States and other parts of the world.

For further details about the conference in Hong Kong, pleases visit the website: http://www.purposedrivenchinese.com/v2006/.