Saltpond Youth Associations Meet Chiefs

The Tema Branch of Saltpond Youth Association and Saltpond Christian Youth have met with the Nkusukum Council of Chiefs and Assemblymen in the Mfantsiman West Constituency to discuss problems facing the town and how best to solve them.

Mr. Anthony Sam-Amoon, President Tema Branch of Saltpond Youth Association cited some of the problems facing the town as frequent power cuts.

He said the town experiences about thirteen-power cuts in a day, adding, that "no investor would like to come and invest in a town that has thirteen power cuts in a day".

He said that is the reason why there are no jobs in the town and this worsens the plight of the youth.

Another problem he recounted was water shortage, which has been the trademark of the town, and which calls for a critical treatment.

He called on the assemblymen and women to revisit those days when water tanks were used to supply the various communities with water during water shortage since people are now forced to buy water from individuals who have water reservoirs at very exorbitant prices.

He asked that the town builds more toilet facilities to improve its sanitation status explaining that since there are few toilets in the town, the people are forced to use unusual places like the beaches and this is bad for a fishing town like Saltpond.

He also expressed disappointment at the current educational standard in the constituency, especially Saltpond and attributed the fallen standard to the phenomenon of kids not attending school even when they are of school going age and also staying out late in the night instead of learning.

He therefore advised the chiefs and assemblymen to institute a law that would make all school going age children sleep by 7pm and also ensure that all activities that are carried out in the town especially funerals are closed by 6pm since most of the children stay out late till these occasions are ended.

Emmanuel Khaspa Hammond, Vice President Saltpond Christian Youth also raised the concern about the rehabilitation of the Saltpond Victory Park into a recreation centre that can help the youth learn something during the leisure times instead of loitering about.

He again pleaded with the chiefs to help solve the telecommunication problem facing the town adding that in this computer age, most school children in the town have no access to computer let alone Internet cafs.

Nana Attah, Ekubadohene advised the youth don't to make such meetings a nine-day wonder. He encouraged the youth to meet the chiefs quarterly to enable both sides discuss important issues.

Nana Baa VII, chief of Nankesedo, who was also the chairman of the occasion, used the occasion to advise the youth to educate their fellow friends on HIV/AIDS and promised them that all their problems would be forwarded to the right channel for consideration.

He said "Hopefully this time next year we will meet again to congratulate ourselves" Among the chiefs who attended the meeting were Nana Kwesi Brebo III, Kuntuhene, Nana Sekyi, Obaatanhene, Mankessim, Nana Takyi, Abonkohene.