Franklin Graham, CEO of the humanitarian aid organization Samaritan's Purse, said the hospital they set up outside Mosul in Iraq is treating not only civilians but wounded ISIS soldiers as well.
Graham, son of famed evangelist Billy Graham, took to Facebook to describe how the organization is helping those who are affected by the fighting in Mosul.
"Right now with our Emergency Field Trauma Hospital outside Mosul, Iraq, we are treating Muslims, wounded civilians-men, women, and children-many of whom were shot by ISIS snipers as they fled Mosul," Graham said.
"At the same time, we are treating badly wounded ISIS fighters. Our medical teams take them in, perform surgery, bind up their wounds, and give everyone the same compassionate, Christian care-helping them in Jesus' Name," he added.
The 50-bed Emergency Field Trauma Hospital, established in partnership with the Iraqi Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization, started operating just last month. Graham dedicated it on Jan. 13.
The facility is situated in the Plains of Nineveh to cater specifically for those injured in the fight to liberate Mosul from ISIS. It has an emergency room and two operating rooms and has more than 70 staff.
It is the only facility providing frontline trauma care in the area. According to Lisa Grande, U.N. Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, they had asked other organizations to set up a medical facility for trauma care, but only Samaritan's Purse responded.
"We can't thank you enough," she said. "You built this hospital in record time ... Because Samaritan's Purse is here, thousands-tens of thousands-of people will survive ..."
Graham also commented about the controversial temporary immigration ban of Pres. Donald Trump, which bars immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries including the devastated Iraq and Syria. He said while Samaritan's Purse ministers to those needing treatment, including ISIS fighters, it does not mean the U.S. should not keep its borders secure.
He asked people to pray for Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence so they will have wisdom "as they try to work through the challenges to find the best ways to keep America safe and secure."
Graham has served as the organization's CEO since 1970. Samaritan's Purse has been serving various countries in the Middle East for more than 30 years and has had a presence in Iraq for quite some time.
The organization also helps refugees in other countries daily. In the midst of the refugee crisis in the region, it has provided food, coats, blankets and other necessities to thousands of refugees.
"As Christians we are commanded to help all, regardless of religious background or ethnicity, like the Good Samaritan Jesus shared about in the Bible," Graham said on another post to Facebook. "Our job is to show God's love and compassion."