Android L 5.0 Update Release Date for Samsung Galaxy S5, Note 4, Note Edge Confirmed for January 2015

Samsung Galaxy S5
The Lollipop update is on track for January, it seems. Photo: Sprint

Ever since the release of Lollipop, the 5.0 upgrade of the Android operating system, Android users of various new smartphones have kept asking when it was coming to their Android device.  Some more recent Android devices currently use the last version of Android known as KitKat, Android Operating system 4.4.  We have covered popular phones like the HTC One M8 and M9, the Moto G, and the Xperia Z3 andZ2 who are close to or have received their Lollipop update, but there have been constant delays.  It seemed like one of the first to receive the Android update would be the Samsung's flagship phone, the Galaxy S5, but this Lollipop update has also been delayed.  Fortunately, the Galaxy S5 update is on its way, and it will roll out on other devices in the Galaxy series as well. 

As Gotta Be Mobile reports, the Galaxy S5 Android 5.0 Lollipop update release is now confirmed in the United States.  Considering that it has been arriving in certain places outside the United States, it seems like it was really about time.  There was an update that started to rollout to Galaxy S5 users in Poland earlier this month in order to test how other markets around the globe will take the update.  We have even reported of rumors that a Galaxy S5 update could arrive in late December, but this is clearly not happened. 

Confirmation of Android 5.0 on the Samsung Galaxy S5 is not really a formal announcement from Samsung, but some leaked information from a Samsung Mobile employee has shown that the Galaxy S5 Update will be definitely available in early January. 

This Samsung Mobile retail store employee has revealed the details on Reddit, and then confirmed the company plans to update the handsets at select stores and train the staff ahead of the Galaxy S5 update rollout to all carriers in the United States.  Unfortunately, the screenshot doesn't state the exact date for the rollout, but it is enough to show that Galaxy S5 users will have their long-awaited update by the end of the first month of the new year. The screenshot does have information about a reset coming January 4th, so this could be the time when Samsung will push the demo of Lollipop on its devices to select stores, in order to show newer consumers what they will be getting. 

Once the hopefully short demo period ends, Samsung should begin the mass rollout to AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, and Verizon, not to mention all the other U.S. carriers.  This doesn't mean that every U.S. carrier will all have Lollipop on their Galaxy S5 phones right away, as these individual carriers could have their own style of testing phases, not to mention delays. 

Not only is the Android 5.0 Lollipop update coming to the Samsung Galaxy S5, but it will come to the popular Galaxy Note 4 and Note Edge, possibly at the exact same time.  After that, the Lollipop update will come to the Galaxy S4, Note 3, and then go to Android tablets like the Galaxy Tab Pro or Tab S.