SARS a Source of Deep Concern for China

China is warning against travel amidst new Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome fears. The death rate from SARS more than doubled to five-point-six percent since the epidemic was first detected in mid-March, causing deep concern among health officials. The virus is also creating an obstacle for China Partner Ministries. China Partner's Erik Burklin explains. "We had to cancel our May teaching team, however, my father and I are still planning on going in May. We feel that at this stage, it is important for us to follow through on our commitments we made earlier in the year. " Burklin says letting the Chinese church leaders know co-ministry is a priority means they are planning for the future. He asks believers to pray. "Two out of the three cities we are visiting have no reported cases of SARS yet, so we feel good about that report, plus we want to let our brothers and sisters in China know that we are standing with them during this time."

By Pauline J.