SARS Continues to Strike in Asia

The SARS virus impacts Asian countries and the ministries within the nations. The World Health Organization believes the contagion has already peaked, but SEND International's Dave Tucker says the news comes too late. The ministry took an about face over the last few days over health concerns for their partners. "This has dramatically affected many of our ministries in East Asia for the coming summer. Our field leadership out there has requested that nobody, either short or long term, or even a visitor travel to China until at least August 31rst." Tucker urges believers to pray for not only the government, but also personnel essential to evangelistic work. "Pray for those who are ministering in these areas, missionaries as well as national leaders, who are staying there to serve, that they will have the wisdom and discretion to know what they should be doing, what they should avoid, ministries that can continue, ministries that should stop for the duration."

By Pauline J.