SBC and HKBC Forms Partnership Evangelism

A 70-member Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) mission team will arrive in Hong Kong at the end of July, and will ally with the local Baptist churches to stage a series of evangelistic outreach.

A 70-member Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) mission team will arrive in Hong Kong at the end of July, and will ally with the local Baptist churches to stage a series of evangelistic outreach.

During this partnership, the 70-member team will organize 5 to 8 member groups and dispatch to each of the 8 Baptist churches in HK. During the entire week from July 24-31, the team will cooperate with the local churches, perform individual evangelisms, family counseling, and attend church-sponsored gatherings.

The program, called Partnership Evangelism, was founded by W.H. (Dub) Jackson of SBC. This time leading the 70-member team, he is scheduled to perform a citywide outreach from July 20 to August 1 in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Baptist Convention (HKBC) General Director Zhu Huo Ping indicated that when W.H. Jackson was in the Air Force during his youth, he deployed bombs at the Japanese Army, yet now he became missionary to Japan, and has devoted his life to Partnership Evangelism. Now he and his wife are in their 80’s, yet they continue to be fervent for the Lord’s work.

Rev. Zhu also said that partnership evangelism does not occur often in Hong Kong. The reason why the Baptist Convention arranged this partnership is to revive passion for evangelism in the local church and also to take advantage of the interests among the Chinese toward the Western culture.

The welcoming gathering will take place on July 23 when the mission team arrives to Hong Kong, and both conventions will hold a joint crusade on July 31 in Kowloon to mark the end of their mission trip.