SBC Partnership Evangelism Stirred Passion for Evangelism in HK

Hong Kong Baptist Convention (HKBC) this week held the Partnership Evangelism this week with the 70-member team from the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). The team arrived in HK a few days earlier.

Hong Kong Baptist Convention (HKBC) this week held the Partnership Evangelism this week with the 70-member team from the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). The team has arrived in Hong Kong for the past few days.

The evangelism team was separated and sent to eight different Baptist churches in Hong Kong. Although this short-term mission team has many senior members, yet they are very experienced in evangelism. The Hong Kong Baptist churches¦ evangelism atmosphere was transformed by the team¦s passion in evangelism; their presence stimulated the hearts of the church members to evangelize as well.

The short-term mission team¦s evangelism ministry was arranged by each of the participating Baptist churches. The events include street evangelism, door-to-door, visiting schools, attending Christian gatherings, and even joining a five-day children summer camp. The evangelism work has now entered its fifth day.

Ching Shan Baptist

The evangelism team in Chingshan was split into three, and each day they gathered in the streets to evangelize, and also paid visits to home of church members. One day they visited a senior home, and on Wednesday they held a children evangelism gathering; the pastors and children were able to communicate closely with one another. On Saturday, an adult evangelism gathering will be held with hopes to bring more people to the Lord.

Missionary Wu of Ching Shan Baptist explained that during this Partnership Evangelism, over 100 church members have came out and participated with the team. Native and foreign church members encouraged one another; the native church members, seeing the active evangelism efforts of the foreign members, were especially encouraged.

Fu An Baptist

Fu An Baptist on Tuesday held an event called §Men¦s Night.¨ Other than the U.S. team member who were invited, they also invited a music team and pianist Huntley Brown to help coordinate the event.

Fu An Baptist staff coordinator Rev. Zhu commented that since the arrival of the mission team, passion was stirred among each churches¦ evangelism efforts. He said that if there is an opportunity, he wishes to send native short-term mission teams to U.S. as well.

Hong Kong International Baptist

More than ten short-term evangelism teams were sent on door-to-door evangelism. On Tuesday they went on the busy streets and evangelized. Our reporter witnessed the event and saw a member name John in the mission team who did not understand Chinese evangelized diligently looking for a person who was willing to listen to the gospel. A youth rejected his offer, yet as John left him, the youth took out the booklet he was given, and read it carefully. God¦s guidance in the evangelism helped to remove the barriers imposed by the environment.

Many church ministers expressed that although the mission team have many seniors, their passion to evangelize surpasses the native youth believers; it allowed many church members to repent. Yet the hot weather of Hong Kong has made the senior members very uncomfortable, but it did not take away their passion to evangelize.