'See You at the Pole 2016': Millions of Students to Seek Face of God, Pray for Spiritual Awakening

Students at Hollywood High School in California gather at their school flagpole for the annual 'See You at the Pole' prayer movement.  Instagram/Michael Bowles

On Wednesday, September 28, millions of students across the country and globally will gather at their flagpoles, praying for their school, friends, families, churches, and communities.

For the last 25 years, See You at the Pole, held at 7:00 a.m local time, has seen Christian students from elementary school to college level - whether they attend public, private or home school - unite themselves in prayer before God, interceding for their generation.

The student-initiated, student-organized, and student-led prayer rally is part of the Global Week of Student Prayer, which begins on Sunday, September 25 and ends on Saturday, October 1.

The See You at the Pole theme this year is "We Cry Out: A Generation Seeking Him" and the Scripture is Psalm 24:3-6, which reads:

"Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god. They will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God their Savior. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, God of Jacob."

The movement began in 1990 with ten Texas students and has spread to more than 3 million participants internationally, according to the Baptist Press.

Newsmax notes that because the event is held outside of school hours and not under their leadership, it is protected by 1st Amendment rights of freedom of religion and expression.

"What it is intended to be is about prayer and humbling ourselves before God, but in a united way," event promotion coordinator Doug Clark told Baptist Press.. "The uniqueness of See You at the Pole is its students from all different backgrounds, different churches, who come together and then can dream together in this attitude of prayer -- 'God what would you have us to do next?'"

However, the organization is clear it does not want the event to turn into an exercise of free speech.

"What we hope is that See You at the Pole is a launching pad for students being missionaries to their campus," he said. "What it's not intended to be is a demonstration, a show of faith -- because Jesus condemns that in Matthew 6 -- or an exercise of free speech."

Hundreds of Christian organizations such as non-profit legal organization Alliance Defending Freedom, Advocates for Faith and Freedom, American Center for Law and Justice, Christian Legal Society, Liberty Institute, National Legal Foundation, Rutherford Institute, Pacific Justice Institute and the United States Justice Foundation support the event, encouraging students to practice their religious freedoms.

For additional resources, or to learn how to get involved, visit the event website.