Short Term Missions Opportunities Open to All Those With a “Servant’s Heart”

The Voice of the Martyrs, a 30-year-old missions group focused on providing practical and spiritual assistance to persecuted Christians around the world, is preparing to dispatch teams of volunteers in the coming year to nations with limited religious freedom.

Arrangements are being made to send teams to Mozambique from March 22-April 11, 2004, south India from June 12-July 4, 2004, and Southeast Asia from September 9 – October 1, 2004.

VOM is taking applications with anyone from North America who is over 19 and willing to share the love of Christ with a servant’s heart.

Fees for each trip include travel from major international points of departure in North America, transfers, room and board, "in country" excursions and project fees. Costs for passports, visas, inoculations and travel medications are not included in the trip.