Solidarity Against Poverty


At conference of Commission for reighteous and peace ( lustita et Pax ) in Budapest, Janos Gojak, vice-president of the Commission lustita et Pax declared for more intensive application of social study of Church in Hungary.

"This study is still not well known in our country. It's necessary systematically to check up, where are the borders of freedom and managment", proclaimed Jonas Gojak.

"Globalization has a catastrophic after-effects in countries where economy didnt develope yet", said Peter Akos, from University of economy in Budapest.

"Hungary is such a country as well. In the minds of hungarian is necessary to build up solidarity, because only by this way we can deflate the poverty", he continued. More than 700 thousand people live in the biggest poverty, emphasized Janos Ladanyi, expert in economy of Hungary.

As a dangerous tendency he marked the fact, that more and more young people belong to this social group.