On the same day as Samsung's massive unveiling event, Sony will be showing off its upcoming Xperia Z3 flagship device at a press conference on September 3. The Japanese firm released a teaser video titled, "The time to Demand Great is coming #XperiaDetails". Many expect it will unveil Xperia Z3, Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact and SmartWatch3 at the IFA 2014.
On Aug. 21, China's TENAA agency posted pictures and specs information for what appears to an Xperia Z3. The organization officially handles certification for mobile devices sold in China.
Besides photos, the posting listed specs for the mystery smartphone. The device reportedly has a 5.2-inch screen with a resolution of 1080p. It is powered by a quad-core Snapdragon 801 processor that is rated at 2.5 GHz. The phone also has 3BG RAM and 16 GB of internal storage. To the rear of the camera, there is a 20.7-megapixel camera. Regarding the exterior color, consumers can choose between amber, black, or white covers.
Though Sony has not announced any live coverage for tomorrow event yet, Cnet will provide live blog for the launch event. On the other hand, Samsung's fans can watch the Galaxy Note 4 launch event live stream by clicking here.
Sony's teaser video: