Souls Harvest Ministries International Expands to Macau and Hong Kong

Bishop Sunny Ukah was appointed as Regional Director Of Ministry Affairs for Souls Harvest Ministries International Inc.(SHMI) in the Hong Kong based Island of Macau. As Regional Officer Bishop Ukah will administrate business and governmental affairs as well as the religious mandate of SHMI on behalf of the Presiding Prelate SHMI, Chief Apostle SHMI, His Excellence Bishop Carl Robinson.


He is the senor pastor of Christ Alive Ministries in Nigeria, who began evangelization at the age of 6. The ministry is a complete outreach ministry.


One of their visions is to serve the Chinese through the word of God by showing them the full love of God to help them with Bibles, clothe, food.

They are planning to evangelize through TV and hold a conference in Hong Kong to discuss how to serve China.

Also they want to build a seminary in Hong Kong or Macau to equip Chinese Christians, so Chinese Christians can easily be equipped to be a missionary and evangelize to mainland or overseas countries.