Stacey Dash told Fox News that many conservatives hide their political beliefs for fear of liberal backlash. "I say 'so what?... Stand up for yourself. If you are a conservative, stand up,'" she said. The outspoken actress and former Fox contributor also just launched her own political movement entitled "Dash America" to focus on unity, faith, family values and feminism.
She said she believes Americans "can and must return to Reagan's Hollywood, a time when movies were pro-America, pro-freedom, and pro-family values."
Dash had her first acting role at age 18, but her breakout performance came a decade later in "Clueless." However, her career took a sudden political turn when she tweeted support for Republican Mitt Romney over Democrat Barack Obama in 2012, with some fans and colleagues treating her endorsement as an act of heresy, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The way Dash stood up to the backlash impressed Roger Ailes, and the CEO of Fox News Channel hired her as a pundit.
She also published a book, "There Goes My Social Life: From Clueless to Conservative."
Based on the premise that America stands at a crossroads, Dash said political elites have divided the country and seek to pit people against each other. "Liberals sell us cheap fictional freedoms, while stripping away our true God-given freedoms and liberty. Women are told empowerment means being a victim and are coerced into subscribing to the paltry progressives' definition of feminism. Minorities are told that the only way we can make it out of poverty is to accept handouts."
"But I don't buy into any of these lies," she continued.
Instead of allowing others to divide and hold people down, Dash maintains people must empower one another to rise up and unite for the sake of "our great nation and the values that have made us the strongest country in the world, a true beacon of freedom for all people and all nations under God for centuries."
Dash said Americans need to cling to the motto and founding principle of the United States: E Pluribus Unum, Out of Many, One. "We are a nation of many races and backgrounds, but we've forgotten about unity," she said.
"Let's re-forge our unity through freedom, opportunity and education, regardless of race."
She also believes women are powerful, intelligent and sexy. "Women keep us in the present, they raise the next generation, and they guide the future of society. We deserve respect and admiration for these traits, and must use them as part of our feminine toolbox."
Lastly, referencing returning to "Reagan's Hollywood" values, she said it could be done by writing, producing and distributing films that showcase what is great about America, and showing people how to achieve its potential.