Standing firm in faith: Resisting worldly culture with a biblical worldview

Spiritual armament for a life of faith the first step to strengthening faith: A biblical worldview Genesis as the foundation of a strong worldviewHow culture gradually encroaches on faith defending against the erosion of biblical truth overcoming secular
Pastor Kim
Pastor Kim is preaching Credit by Youtube

SEOUL—In a world where cultural influences steadily shape and redefine beliefs, Myungsung Church is calling believers to stand firm in their faith through a biblical worldview. With thousands gathering both in person and online, the church’s 2025 March Special Early Morning Prayer Service, which began on February 26, aims to equip Christians with a spiritual perspective that resists secular ideologies and reaffirms God's sovereignty in all things.

The 2025 March Special Early Morning Prayer Service at Myungsung Church (Senior Pastor Hana Kim) commenced on February 26 with the theme "Equipped with a Spiritual Worldview" (2 Corinthians 10:4).

Pastor Hana Kim personally delivered the message in this special prayer service, held in three sessions daily: 5:50 AM, 7:00 AM, and 8:30 AM. On the opening day, the church’s main sanctuary, Jerusalem Temple, and annexes were filled with congregants from the early morning, while many others participated online. The first session was notably attended by children and teenagers, highlighting the importance of instilling a biblical worldview in the next generation.

Preaching on Genesis 1:1 with a message titled "The Beginning of Worldview," Pastor Kim stated, "The history of Myungsung Church aligns with our tradition of special early morning prayer services. While we no longer pray for a full month as in the past, we dedicate these four days to spiritual focus. There is power in dedicating time to God. If we receive daily grace through early morning prayers, let us not miss the unique blessings that God provides in these troubled times. Let us arm ourselves spiritually."

Pastor Kim emphasized, "To live by faith in this world, we must be spiritually armed. Our worldview shapes our perspective and decisions. The most crucial aspect of spiritual armament is having a biblical worldview. Just as wearing blue glasses makes everything appear blue, our worldview determines how we perceive and engage with the world."

He continued, "A distorted worldview can lead even ordinary people to participate in tragic crimes. The Nazi ideology is a stark example of how a worldview detached from God can bring immense destruction. Many involved in the Holocaust were professing Christians—how could they reconcile their faith with their actions? It was due to a distorted worldview. How we see humanity—either as God’s precious creation or as expendable—depends on our worldview."

Pastor Kim underscored the importance of Genesis in shaping a proper worldview. "Genesis provides the foundation of faith—it speaks of creation, grace, providence, and God’s presence. Through Moses, God proclaimed Genesis to the Israelites in the wilderness to correct their worldview. There are four essential questions that shape one’s worldview: Where did we come from? What is the problem with the world? What is the solution? What is the ultimate purpose? The Bible alone provides clear answers to these questions."

He further explained, "The Israelites, who lived under the Egyptian religious system for 430 years, had to undergo a fundamental shift in worldview. Through miracles like the ten plagues, the pillar of cloud and fire, and water flowing from a rock, God demonstrated that He alone is the Creator and sovereign ruler. This must also be our worldview today."

Pastor Kim urged, "We must reclaim our faith in the Creator in a world dominated by materialism, evolutionism, and consumerism. Genesis should not be seen as a myth but as the foundation of our belief. As finite humans, we cannot see past creation or the end times, but the Bible reveals both. This counters the materialistic worldview of ancient Egypt and today’s secular culture."

He warned, "Like a frog slowly boiled to death, culture gradually erodes our faith. When we immerse ourselves in culture, we risk absorbing it uncritically. However, we must learn to resist. Just because the world embraces certain values does not mean we should accept them. A biblical worldview gives us the strength to stand firm."

Pastor Kim pointed out, "The portrayal of the church in popular media, particularly in Western culture, is a deliberate attempt to redefine public perception. The media consistently distorts the image of the church, shaping how people perceive Christianity. The more we remain silent, the stronger this influence becomes. This is the power of culture."

He concluded, "To escape this cultural drift, we must hold firmly to God’s worldview. Genesis itself is a bold declaration against secular culture, proclaiming that God is the Creator of all things. When God led the Israelites out of Egypt, He demonstrated through the ten plagues that the Egyptian gods were powerless. Likewise, we must remember that only Yahweh is the one true God, and we have nothing to fear. If we embrace this truth, we will no longer be swayed by the world but will live under God's sovereign rule."

Founded in 1980, Myungsung Church has held special early morning prayer services every March and September without fail. From its humble beginning with 25 attendees, it has grown to an average daily attendance of 70,000, with over 8 million viewers online.

The first session of the special prayer service is broadcast live worldwide via the Myungsung Church website (, mobile platforms, and C-Channel. Attendees also receive breakfast, including bread, beverages, and soup.

Meanwhile, Founding Pastor Samhwan Kim, despite returning from a pilgrimage to Egypt just the previous day, faithfully attended the special prayer service.

*This is a translated and revised version of Christian Today article.