Ever since J.J. Abrams relaunched Star Trek to new audiences with an entirely different continuity with the same characters, audiences have been wondering what is next after Into Darkness received mixed reviews. It looks like instead of trying to bring back something old, the trailer for Star Trek Beyond reveals a lot of new things going down for the U.S.S. Federation's favorite flagship. This is what is known about Star Trek Beyond Release Date and Story.
The interesting thing about Star Trek Beyond is it looks like the Enterprise gets destroyed. At this point, it is almost a tradition to destroy the Enterprise in the third film, as that was what happened in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. It looks like Kirk and the rest of his crew manage to survive by using escape pods, but this brings them into some serious conflict with some alien race on this planet.
There has been a lot of speculation about what this third Star Trek movie set in the rebooted universe could be about. Considering that the original 1960s show introduced us to a lot of intriguing new life and new civilizations, there were dozens of episodes filled with aliens and characters that they could have pulled from. The first film gave us a Romulan and the second film gave us Khan, but the presumably villainous aliens and their ships from the Star Trek Beyond trailer don't look too familiar to any Trekkie.
There is a resemblance to the Remans, a group of aliens that are associated with the Romulans, and they weren't really seen until Star Trek: Nemesis. For those unfamiliar with Star Trek, the Romulans and Remans had a "Neutral Zone" that the Federation is forbidden to cross. The Star Trek Beyond trailer reveals a line that says "this is where the frontier pushes back", which could mean that these aliens are the Remans, pushing against this boundary line.
The antagonistic aliens in the trailer could also be the Jem'Hadar, a genetically engineered humanoid race from the Gamma Quadrant, which first appeared on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine TV series. That show took place one hundred years after the events of Star Trek the original series and this movie series, but this alien race was antagonistic and was often pushing against its boundaries to fight against the Federation.
The big question is who is the woman with the white face and black stripes across her cheeks? Considering that Kirk was famous for meeting alien women on other worlds and having his way with them, this is probably going to be a love interest. This could be Sofia Boutella, as her name appears on the imdb page, but with no character listed. The same goes for veteran actor Idris Elba.
The rest of the crew are along for the ride, including Kirk (Chris Pine), Spock (Zachary Quinto), Bones (Karl Urban), Scotty (Simon Pegg), Sulu (John Cho), Uhura (Zoe Saldana), and Chekov (Anton Yelchin). Star Trek Beyond will be released into theaters on July 22, 2016.