Stepping Outside the Box

AMG International Provides Relief to Flood Victims

Indonesia – AMG International changed the focus of their missions in Indonesia to help assist those displaced by the recent floods, Monday, Nov. 4.

Normally, the ministry teams plant churches and provide Scripture translations, but the flash floods, which killed more than 100 people in the last few days, motivated the workers to seize the opportunity to be of greater help.

"One of the things that has helped AMG is that anytime there's a disaster, flood relief, we're in with immediate supplies to help the people just to live and exist for the time-being and then we seek to reach into their lives by helping provide homes and food,” said AMG’s Larry Malone.

According to Malone, the missionaries dedicated themselves to the immediate needs of the people despite harsh conditions presented by the nearby militant Muslims; the militant groups in certain islands of the archipelago threaten the missionaries and their work.

"On the island of Java, many of our men have been told, even after they had built new buildings, that they couldn't occupy the buildings, otherwise the fanatical Muslim element that's there would burn them to the ground,” said Malone.

Nonetheless, the ministry moves on, building churches, seeking the lost and providing relief for the needy. Malone asks that the faithful around the world pray for the acceleration of AMG International.

"Pray that God will continue to provide for their needs. The economy in Indonesia is devastating. The people exist on very little. They just need Gods people to uphold them in prayer that they'll stay faithful to the Lord."