Capcom has announced that a new female playable character will be added to the upcoming Street Fighter 5 game. Rainbow Mika, also referred to as R. Mika, was first introduced in 1997's coin-operated Street Fighter 3 arcade game. After an 18-year absence, the "7-Colored Bomber" is finally returning to the popular franchise.
R. Mika's real name is Mika Nanakawa, a sprightly Japanese girl with long blonde hair tied in two symmetrical pigtails. Her distinctive attire includes a revealing blue and white leotards with ruffles around the neck and sleeves.
She dreamed of being a pro wrestler and the "Star of the Ring." Because of that, the fictional character travelled the world and promoted herself by involving herself in random matches with street fighters. Her publicity journey allowed her to meet her idol Zangief along the way.
Due to her background as a professional wrestler, R. Mika is a close-range fighter who specializes in grabs as well as aerial attacks. In Street Fighter 5, she will enlist the help of her tag-team partner Nadeshiko.
According to the developer, Mika will be able to perform two key moves namely V-Skill and V-Trigger. Her V-Skill ability is called "Mic Performance" where she will literally give a "heart-pumping monologue" while the player holds down console buttons. The longer the buttons are held down, the more powerful her attack will be. During the monologue, she is vulnerable to one hit but when the buttons are released, she will then fling her mike hard toward the opponent.
Meanwhile, her V-Skill ability includes three variations. In this move, R. Mika can summon Nadeshiko to assist in adding attack combos and command grabs.
Capcom Community Manager described Rainbow Mika, "As a flamboyant young wrestler, Mika dreamed of one day becoming a star in the ring, much like her idol Zangief. Training under the strict tutelage of her coach, she traveled the world engaging in random matches with street fighters in order to spread her name and popularity."
R. Mika will join other confirmed Street Fighter 5 characters such as Ryu, Chun-Li, M. Bison, Nash, Cammy, Birdie, Necalli, Vega, and Ken. The game will launch on Sony's PlayStation 4 and Windows PC in March 2016. Microsoft has not announced any plan for an Xbox One or 360 version.
Although Rainbow Mika has an apparently alluring demeanor, she will definitely sport a range of high-flying moves as seen on Sony's latest reveal trailer below.