Taiwan Religious Educators Meet to Promote "Life Education"

Christian education professionals and volunteers from three regional assemblies of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) gathered on April 27th in the city of Feng Shan for a seminar on "Life Education." The event was sponsored by the Presbytery of Longevity Mountain and led by staff from the PCT General Assembly's Christian Education Committee.

The Rev. Ms. Chiou Chyong-yuann, Secretary for Christian Education, introduced the life education curriculum and its underlying assumptions and called for local church leaders to promote its vision. She invited every congregation to participate in the movement.

According to Ms. Chiou, when the Assembly and the local presbyteries have close relationships the endeavor to promote life education is smoother. There are already "seed teachers", trained in the vision and technique of life education, located in every presbytery. These can directly aid congregations, train volunteers and serve as conduits for curriculum. They are equipped to operate across denominational lines so that this "Christian" curriculum about values can be brought into the local schools, forming a foundation for eventual evangelization outside of the classroom.

Life Education is one of several similar programmes currently available to churches and schools in Taiwan. Ms. Chiou introduced two others, "Champions" and "Rainbow", and encouraged cooperation in promoting the general aims included in each curriculum. She displayed and explained texts and coloring books that are useful in adding the spiritual dimension to all such programmes.

The Rev. Mr. Hwang Syh-lang, who heads the education committee in Longevity Mountain Presbytery, encouraged churches in Southern Taiwan to take up the life education curriculum enthusiastically. A joint training session with Kaohsiung Presbytery Christian educators is planned for May 7th to move things along.

By Albert H. Lee