Paula White, spiritual advisor to President Donald Trump, has said that the opposition the president continually faces stems from demonic spirits who know that if he is able to make two more Supreme Court appointments, "we'll be able to overturn demonic laws and decrees."
The 51-year-old White, who is a popular televangelist and the senior pastor at New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida, appeared on an episode of "The Jim Bakker Show" Monday.
During the hour-long interview, Bakker asked White, "How can the President withstand the hatred and the pressure - everything he says, they turn it around. Paula, there's never been hatred like this to a president. They want to trip him up, they ask for him to be assassinated even."
White, who has known President Trump for 16 years, first said that she's "never seen anything like it" and warned that he is not wrestling against flesh and blood - he's wrestling against dark "powers and principalities."
"There are people right now that are sending hate mail to me...that are going to say, 'I can't believe you say this,'" she said. "But you've got to recognize...if you are a Christian right now, you have a responsibility that Jesus Christ gave you the infallible word of God and told you that you are not wrestling against flesh and blood but against against principalities, against powers, against darkness, against wickedness. And so, you know the quadrants of the enemy and the principalities are going crazy because the principalities want to control nations by controlling a person."
She continued, "Principalities cannot control this man because he surrounds himself with Christians, he is a Christian, he is a Christian. He loves prayer...he is fierce, he has a fortitude, he has an inner strength. But no man could withstand in the natural this kind of pressure."
Thus, all Christians have an obligation to pray for Trump whether they like him or not.
"You can't stand in God's word and not be responsible to pray for those who are in positions of authority," White said. "It is our God-given mandate, our responsibility. You've got to pray the will of God to be done for him and through him."
"More than just praying, we've got to do something," White continued. "We've got 130 vacancies in the lower courts and he is appointing exactly what we have asked for, why we put him in position as the president. We said we will put you in because we want originalists, we want constitutionalists, we want our Supreme Court to be like Neil Gorsuch."
"He did it the fastest, which was an absolute miracle by God," White said. "If we get two more-c'mon, if we get two more-and right now, I know we are scaring the literal hell out of demonic spirits by me saying this right now, because if we get two more, we will be able to overturn demonic laws and decrees that have held this nation in captivity."
White concluded: "Please pray for me, because I am stirring up, and I cause right now every demonic network right now to be scattered, every demonic gathering to be scattered, every monitoring eye to be pierced right now in the name of Jesus."
"We lift up our president and we pray over him and Melania and all of his children and all of his family and all those that are called to hold up his arms," she prayed. "We thank you that he will carry out works of righteousness in Jesus' name."
Earlier in the interview, White said that Trump has been "authentically" "raised up" by God and declared that any opposition to Trump is opposition to God.
"Whether people like him or not, he's been raised up by God because God says that He raises up and places all people in places of authority," she said. "It is God that raises up a king, it is God that sets one down and so when you fight against the plan of God, you're fighting against the hand of God."