Terrorist Bombings Kill 30 in Egypt; Christian Leaders Condemn Attack

''These acts show yet again why the civilized world must stand together against the forces of terror and defeat this evil''

Church leaders condemned the terrorist hotel bombings at an Egyptian resort that killed at least 30 and injured at least 120, Thursday, October 7, 2004.

“The Presbyterian Church (USA) deplores the acts of horrific violence and terror that continue to sacrifice innocent civilian lives. We condemn these horrific acts and offer our sincere condolences to the families of Israeli and Egyptian victims.,” wrote Clifton Kirkpatrick, stated clerk of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

While officials were unable to identify the masterminds of the bombings, several specialists suspected al Qaeda involvement.

President Bush also condemned the terrorist bombings as actions that show “total contempt for all human life and for all human values.”

"I condemn in the strongest possible terms the vicious terrorist attacks in Egypt yesterday," Bush said in a statement issued by the White House. "These acts show yet again why the civilized world must stand together against the forces of terror and defeat this evil," the President's statement said.

PCUSA’s Kirkpatrick also referred to the bombings as an evil that must be stopped.

“We pray to God that the spirit of peace may take hold of the hearts of those who choose to know no other way than violence and terror to resolve conflict,” said Kirkpatrick. “We firmly believe that unless all violence and terror cease, the hope for a peaceful Middle East is impossible.”

The attacks were carried out by two separate bombs. First, a truck loaded with explosives slammed into the resort lobby; minutes later, a suicide bomber detinated himself in the hotel swimming pool. The deadly bombings, followed by blasts at two backpacker beaches on the Sinai Peninsula, were targeted at Israeli vacationers in nearby Egypt. According to last count, some 20 of those who lost their lives were Israelis celebrating their vacation in Egypt.