Terry E. Foland Chosen to Lead Baptist Ministers at Large Program

Terry E. Foland, Senior Consultant of the Alban Institute will lead the Baptist Churches USA program in a yearlong study process that will be completed in fall 2003.

An ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Foland has served as a parish pastor and denominational regional minister. He was a founding member of the ecumenical Interim Ministry Network in 1979, and served on the Network Board from 1979-1991. A longtime Alban Institute seminar leader and consultant, he was director of Consulting, Education and Training from 1992-1993.

"Terry Foland has wide and deep experience with interim ministry issues," said the Rev. Rhonda Cushman, interim executive director of Interim Ministries-ABC. "I am pleased with the Governing Board's choice, and expect that this study process will result in a better program with a stronger foundation for the future."

2002 is the 25th anniversary of the Ministers at Large Program, which has remained a core feature within the expanded Interim Ministries-ABC mission. Since 1998 Interim Ministries-ABC has been an independent program administratively related to Educational Ministries of the American Baptist Churches USA.

By Pauline J.