State Rep. Tony Tinderholt, a Republican from Arlington, Texas, is under fire for statements he made within the past two years - to the point that both he and his family are receiving death threats and the involvement of police security. The charge against him: his pro-life legislation.
Specifically, the allegations have premiered under two rounds. The first instance, when Tinderholt supported legislation to ban abortion. The second time, when he suggested Senate Bill 762, a controversial piece which merely asserted the same punishment for illegal abortions as for those charged with animal abuse. Tinderholt quickly and firmly defends his reasoning; while he would never condone the maltreatment of animals, he cannot justify the crime on the same level as child-abuse:
"I couldn’t imagine anyone ever wanting to harm an animal, it’s absolutely disgusting to do so. However, I also couldn’t allow a more severe penalty for killing an animal than for killing a human child.”
Despite the opposition, Tinderholt boldly reiterates his pro-life stance, insisting that he's "pretty passionate" about it:
"I’m pretty passionate about the pro-life movement. When you read and see how abortions are performed, and how they end the life of an innocent child, it amazes me that we allow that," Tinderholt continues, "When we look back over history and we see the cultures that took the lives of children, people are appalled by that. People are going to do that with America, too, and look back one day and say they can’t believe we allowed this.”
The threats---"I hope you die"----have been aimed not only at the lawman in case, but also at his children and wife. Simply over equalizing the penalty between those who practice animal cruelty and those who perform partial birth abortions.
Many were infuriated by the fact that animal cruelty cases received only state jail felony. Authorities are currently investigating the details behind the threats.
This example---among many---serves to show that we are living in a Romans 1 culture: in which creatures are worshiped, rather than the Creator. While Scripture is clear that even children are known by how they treat God's creatures, It is equally clear that mankind singularly bears the image of our Creator; for that reason alone, we are to revere human life. It is not only the common sense of nature to do so, but it is in a very great and real way, a matter of honoring the One that we reflect in soul, spirit, and body.