The 2nd Chinese Missions in Africa Consultation and Action 2008 Concluded in Kenya

On Apr. 8, the Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism concluded its 2nd Chinese Missions in Africa Consultation and Action 2008 in Kenya, Africa. The conference focused on the compassion and care for the AIDS victims in Africa.

A missionary who has served the African AIDS victims for over 20 years shared a touching testimony, which brought tears to the translator and the listeners. That afternoon, the participants visited the “New Life Home.”

Rev. Morley Lee, executive director of CCCOWE, expressed his hopes that this passion to care for the African AIDS victim can continue in the form of long-term service.

Furthermore, the consultation conference also invited local African specialists, experienced missionaries and presidents of seminaries to share practical ways and plans on the topics of Bible-translation for minority-groups, strategy for working with M groups, and ways to train African leaders. Western missionary organizations such as SIL, AIM, WBT, WEC, and SIM introduced their work to the Chinese and encouraged them to learn diligently.

That night, Rev. Oscar challenged the Chinese to not make the same mistake as the Western Missionaries, but they should begin Africa missions with the thoughts and perspectives of the Africans.

Until Apr. 12, the group will visit different parts of the mission field after the consultation meeting. After these visits, the participants will acquire strong drive after seeing the dire needs throughout Africa. The conference hopes that these experiences and drives can be transformed into live actions.

[Editor's note: reporter Jennifer Kwan in Hong Kong contributed to this report.]