The American Christian Voting Guide Ranks Mike Huckabee #1 For President: 'He Will Do God's Will for The Nation'

Mike Huckabee
Mike Huckabee Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons

The influential American Christian Voting Guide has found that out of the candidates currently seeking the presidential nomination, Mike Huckabee is the most likely to bring religious freedom, jobs, and national security from God blessing the United States.

According to the voting guide, which was created by the Rev. Steven Andrew, the Bible's five qualifications for choosing leaders are a person who: 1) Is a Christian who fears God; 2) Calls for Christian religious liberty; 3) Insists we have God-given rights; 4) Is truthful; and 5) Hates covetousness. This is based on 2 Samuel 23:3, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Exodus 18:21 and other Scriptures written in the voting guide.

"The most critical issue in the 2016 election is to do God's will and vote for Christians that believe like our founding fathers. They insisted to have Christian religious liberty to serve the LORD freely as every Christian and pastor must do. This will heal our land and end the persecution of Christians," the voting guide explains.

Former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee scored an impressive 92% rating thanks to his belief in the freedom of religion, demonstrated by his defense of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

"Sounding like our founders, the former governor declared that judicial tyranny put a Christian in jail," a press release for the guide notes.

Huckabee's high marks are also due to his Biblical views on issues like abortion and homosexuality.

"It's not my goal here to stay to fight them but rather to fight for you," Huckabee said during the latest GOP presidential debate, making it clear that "you" includes unborn Americans.

"How can we ask God to bless a nation that for 42 years has ended the lives of 60 million unborn children?" he said. "This is not just a social aberration -- this is uncivilized savagery for which we must repent. We must do more than be sorry about it -- we must change it."

Other Republican presidential hopefuls, including Rand Paul, Ben Carson, and Ted Cruz, also received high marks for defending "God-given rights and truthfully upholding the Constitution."

However, other candidates didn't meet God's requirements at all: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Carly Fiorina, Joe Biden and others are listed as "Biblically unqualified," as they do not have a record of fearing God.

The voting guide concludes, "It is time for pastors to once again teach Christians how the Bible says to vote to free our nation from spiritual darkness, as the American Revolution pastors did. With so many Biblically unqualified candidates, we and our churches must cry out to God to change our hearts and for Christian leaders from school boards to president."

In light of Huckabee's high rating, Rev. Andrew has endorsed the presidential hopeful, calling him the "closest to a King David running."

"True Americans have always followed God's principles. Our founders had schools read the Bible and chaplains pray in Jesus' name. When people stopped fearing God, all the troubles came," Rev. Andrew said.

"It is time to please God; we must repent of voting based on how much money one raises or popularity. Those things can't make the USA great. However, God will restore His blessings for choosing the strongest Christian after His own heart for president. Mike Huckabee is the closest to a King David running. David did God's will for the nation and God blessed Israel greatly," he added.

For more information on the American Christian Voting Guide and "God's Plan for the USA," visit USA Christian Church at