The Flash ended its first season last Tuesday with an episode called "Fast Enough", and there was a lot happening on it. Many of the events will affect The Flash Season 2, with repercussions that could affect other shows in the DC TV Universe.
According to the International Business Times, the Season 1 finale episode began as Barry Allen (aka The Flash), played by Grant Gustin, interrogating Dr. Wells (aka Reverse Flash) played by Tom Cavanaugh. Wells, who is actually from the future and has the real name is Eobard Thawne, confessed that he was the one who killed Barry's mother, a running mystery on the show since the first episode. Thawne offers Barry a deal: if Barry returns him to his future, then he will save Barry's mother.
Thawne's plan actually works, and Barry is able to save his mother, but refuses due its timestream-altering nature. Speaking of disrupting time, Flash's friend Eddie Thawne realizes that he is an ancestor of Eobard Thawne. He then pulls a trick that was also done in the movie Looper as Eddie shoots himself so that Eboard will never be born. Unfortunately, this is not enough, and the show ends with a wormhole collapsing on itself with a black hole that could swallow Central City. Barry then rushes to the hole in some attempt to save the world.
With that climax for Season 1, one has to wonder what will be up next for Season 2 of The Flash? Clearly, Barry is going to have to face that Black Hole, but where will it lead? From what it sounds like, it will go to other dimensions.
Grant Gustin has told Comicbook.com that "I think we're going to start showing Earth-One and Earth-Two in the near future". For those that are unfamiliar with the DC Universe, there are stories that take place in the multiverse, and the two most famous locations are Earth One and Earth Two. On Earth One is the Silver Age Flash Barry Allen, and Earth Two has the Golden Age Flash named Jay Garrick.
The Flash comic once had a story called "Flash of Two Worlds", and it introduced readers to the concept of the multiverse and allowed DC to bring back its Golden Age versions of their characters like the Jay Garrick Flash. This has led to various crossover stories in the DC Universe, and there was an attempt in an eighties mini-series called Crisis on Infinite Earths to re-create the DC Universe into one timeline.
Of course, the DC universe is ever-changing and constantly being rewritten. However, the idea of Earth One and Earth Two could create an interesting conflict for not only The Flash, but this could spill over on other DC shows like Arrow and a new show coming in 2016 known as DC Legends of Tomorrow.
It looks like Season 2 will be an intriguing, but possibly somewhat confusing, chapter in the life of the Scarlet Speedster. If you want to catch the Season Finale, you can go to Hulu, where it will appear soon, or right away, if you have Hulu Plus. The CW website also has the finale available for viewing now. As far as when Season 2 of The Flash will have its release date, it will be in the Fall, and Den of Geek predicts Tuesday, October 6th, 2015.