By Steve Macchia
May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. (John 17:23 NIV)
Do you know anyone you would consider a committed prayer warrior - perhaps a parent, pastor, or friend? No matter how great their prayer life, their example is merely a faint reflection of the devotion Jesus showed in his own prayer life.
John 17 is the apex of Jesus' modeling of intercessory prayer. He starts with a focus on the glory of God, from before the world began until the Son of God graced this earth (vv. 1-5). This leads into prayer for his immediate band of disciples, for their protection, joy, and sanctification (vv. 6-19). Jesus concludes with appeals for all believers of every generation, praying for their unity, their devotion to his mission, and to one another (vv. 20-26). All of this for the glory of God!
In your intercession for those in your sphere of influence, take seriously the example of the Master. He will teach you to pray and will gently invite you into the themes he spells out so clearly in this passage. The best way for the world to believe in the Savior is through the unity of God's praying people.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, let your light shine brightly in my prayer closet and gloriously throughout this world.
Used with Permission