The Prayer of Passion

by Julie McCarty

I was walking through the garden

guided by the moon's soft light,

when I stumbled across this man

who was praying through the night.

This was no ordinary man,

this was the Son of Righteousness,

who had surrendered to the Will of God,

that all of humanity could be blessed.

He didn't seem to notice me

as he knelt upon his knees,

he was too busy making intercession,

bearing all the world's iniquities.

My heart began to break

as I watched him cry,

his tears fell upon the ground,

for he didn't want to die.

I wanted to comfort him,

but he would be faithful unto death,

for his destiny was the Cross

where he would draw his last breath.

Knowing that I was intruding,

I tried to walk away,

but this man had touched my heart

so I decided to watch him pray.

There was something Holy

that transpired in that place,

when the Son prayed to his Father,

a glorious love shined on his face.

In agony he threw himself

upon the cold stony ground,

his passion became even stronger

as he prepared to wear the martyr's crown.

It was too much for me,

my lips uttered a moan

when I saw his tears change into blood

as they fell upon the stones.

When he discovered my presence,

my heart started to pound with fear,

but he looked at me with sorrow,

his face stained with bloody tears.

Suddenly a mob surrounded him,

it was the time for him to die,

I never had the chance to thank the one

who prayed, suffered, and died.