Mark Driscoll, former head Pastor at Mars Hill Church, provided a letter of resignation on Tuesday. Driscoll has been the head pastor at Mars Hill for over 18 years and the public has many thoughts on his resignation.
Mars Hill church released a statement to the public, explaining Driscoll's resignation,
"On Tuesday, October 14, Pastor Mark Driscoll submitted his resignation as an elder and lead pastor of Mars Hill Church. The Board of Overseers has accepted that resignation and is moving forward with planning for pastoral transition, recognizing the challenge of such a task in a church that has only known one pastor since its founding. We ask for prayer for the journey ahead.
As is well known, inside and outside of Mars Hill, Pastor Mark has been on a leave of absence for nearly two months while a group of elders investigated a series of formal charges brought against him. This investigation had only recently been concluded, following some 1,000 hours of research, interviewing more than 50 people and preparing 200 pages of information. This process was conducted in accordance with our church Bylaws and with Pastor Mark's support and cooperation."
To read the full version, please visit https://marshill.com/2014/10/15/pastor-mark-driscolls-resignation.
Supports of Mars Hill Church respond to Driscoll's resignation over Facebook and other social media outlets. The following are some comments left by people who are sad to see Driscoll resign:
I think I liked pastor Mark's teaching style because of his human failings. I could see him growing in grace as I also grow in grace. But I respect his decision and pray that he finds healing and grace within the church community. We love you, Mars Hill Church and Driscoll family.
-Heather Fetty
I deeply respect Mark Driscoll and absolutely love his fighting Irish non-sugar coated style in preaching and life. He is passionate about what he believes in. His and his families light will not fade one bit or be hidden. They can only move forward to even greater things in the name of Jesus Christ! May God bless his family abundantly.
-Laura Johnson
I've been part of Mars Hill since 2004. He spoke like a dad to his kids and because of this, I began to learn what a father sounds like. The Holy Spirit speaking through Mark brought me closer to Jesus than I knew could be possible.
Today feels like a funeral day. The wolves went berserk, but by the grace of God Mark mirrored Stephen from Acts.
Driscoll family, I love you. I will not cease to pray for you that you lean and cling to Jesus. I am so sorry this happened.
-Gene LeAndra Malmoe
May God bless and keep Mars Hill Church and help them with the leadership transitions they're making during this time.
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