The Riches of Grace

Ephesians 1:3-8

Scripture says that Jesus chose to become poor—leaving heaven and everything that belonged to Him as God’s Son—so we might become rich (2 Cor. 8:9). Those riches of grace are described in Ephesians 1. We are . . .

Chosen by God. Since we belong to the Lord, life has purpose, and we are eternally secure.

Liberated. Every one of us was in slavery to sin and unable to free ourself. “The flesh” permeated our thinking, attitudes, and behavior. We know this to be true because we formerly kept doing the wrong we didn’t want to do instead of the good we had intended. But Jesus broke the power of the old sinful nature so that we might be able to obey God.

Redeemed. Jesus’ death satisfied divine justice because His perfect life met every biblical requirement (Deut. 17:1; Rom. 6:23). When we place our trust in the Savior, God considers our sin-debt “paid in full,” and we are at peace with Him.

United with Him. At salvation, we enter into a personal relationship with God. He becomes our heavenly Father, and we are His adopted children.

Citizens of heaven. We have been given permanent citizenship in God’s kingdom and an inheritance that won’t perish (1 Peter 1:4).

Many of us don’t realize that we are rich, because we think in earthly terms—bank accounts and material possessions—instead of spiritual ones. While these temporal items provide us with comfort and pleasure, they have no eternal value. Our real wealth is found in the spiritual blessings we’ve been given through Christ.

Used with Permission