The World Missions Summit is Confirmed

December 30, 2005 – January 2, 2006 Assemblies of God World Missions with Chi Alpha will be hosting The World Missions Summit.

This conference will gather 4000 college students who will hear real reports of what is happening around the world.

Through this event, students will establish a strong connection with Christ community by learning from missionaries’ experiences about evangelism. Chi Alpha has planned to offer students chances for overseas missions.

“Every student goes, every student gives, every student prays. We are asking every student to go on a cross cultural mission at least once during their collegiate career, but the big challenge is in that we are asking every one of our students to give at least one year, post-graduation overseas to God’s global cause,” stated on Chi Alpha’ mission statement.

Chi Alpha was founded in late 1940s when J. Robert Ashcroft, the father of Senator John Ashcroft, began encouraging the General Council of the Assemblies of God to start a ministry that would reach beyond the church walls to students on secular college campuses.

Since 1940s, Chi Alpha’s overseas campus ministries have expanded to almost every continent in the world including Africa and Latin America. Reports suggest campus ministries in 40 nations of the world.