INDIANAPOLIS -- The Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting, which opened yesterday, June 15, in the Indiana Convention Center, will end today. While various issues are expected to resolve at the meeting, one of the debating issues relating to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary’s sole membership was approved yesterday. Southern Baptist messengers approved the request by the Executive Committee to NOBTS to become the sole member of the SBC.
All six Southern Baptist seminaries are presenting a 15-minute report at the meeting. Yesterday, NOBTS, Golden Gate Baptist Seminary, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary gave report and today morning the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Midwestern Theological Seminary will give report followed by the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary later in the evening.
Today at noon, each seminary will hold its annual alumni luncheon in different rooms of the Indiana Convention Center. The meeting will include special report from the seminary president, award ceremony to honor distinguished alumni, and more.