Thousands Expected to Attend Planned Parenthood Protests in 47 States Amid Release Of 7th Undercover Shock Video

Anti-abortion activists demonstrate near a Planned Parenthood clinic in Philadelphia on July 29, 2015. AP photo

Thousands of pro-lifers across the United States are expected to participate in rallies protesting Planned Parenthood on Saturday, August 22 amid the release of a seventh video showing a technician with the leading abortion company discussing the harvesting and sale of aborted babies' organs while they are still alive.

According to the #ProtestPP website, over 300 cities in 47 states and 5 countries will be represented in the nationwide protest, which aims to protest Planned Parenthood's "disrespect for human life, harvesting and selling of aborted baby parts" and hopes to "strengthen local efforts by raising their profile with the local press, the community and other pro-life activists."

The protests will take place from 9:00am-11:00am and will be the largest demonstration against Planned Parenthood in its 99 year history. A #ProtestPP press release notes that the rallies will involve prayer, speakers and holding signs that read #PPSellSBabyParts.  

"This is really unprecedented in the history of legalized abortion - on the same day, over 200 public demonstrations against the killing of unborn children, all aimed at Planned Parenthood," said Monica Migliorino Miller, director of Citizens for a Pro-life Society, one of the lead organizers of the rallies.

The protests were sparked by a series of undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress exposing Planned Parenthood's shocking practice of killing babies and harvesting and selling their body parts. The most recent video, released yesterday, alleges that the abortion giant and its former partnering company StemExpress have harvested an intact brain from a gestated fetus whose heart was still beating.

"These videos are exposing the American people to the truth about Planned Parenthood and the truth about abortion," Eric Scheidler of Pro-Life Action League said, according to a #ProtestPP press release. "How can you deny the humanity of a tiny person whose body parts are being harvested for medical use? Worse yet, how can you make jokes about it, like the Planned Parenthood doctors do in these videos? It's time to cease all taxpayer funding of this corrupt organization."

Lila Rose, president of the pro-life organization Live Action, said Wednesday's video provides even more reason for the federal government to stop funding Planned Parenthood.

"Today we learned of another life cut short by Planned Parenthood, a fully formed baby still intact with a heart still beating as technicians carve his little face in order to harvest a brain. It is difficult to even speak of such horror, and yet our nation allows and even funds these atrocities against our weakest children," Rose said in a statement. "This little one is among the hundreds of thousands of lives extinguished every year by Planned Parenthood, a corporation that taxpayers are forced to fund with over a half billion dollars a year while the abortion giant harvests, traffics and profits from the illegal sale of baby organs."

"It is time for people of decency to fully embrace the humanity and dignity of these innocents and demand an end to these barbaric acts of violence and cruelty," Rose continued. "It is time to protect women and children by defunding and shutting down the abusive and criminal enterprise that is Planned Parenthood."

However, Mark Harrington, Created Equal's National Director, says the #ProtestPP campaign hopes to take it a step further: "We don't just want to defund Planned Parenthood; we want to defeat Planned Parenthood. We cannot only look to Washington, DC and our state governments to end the killing. It is up to each of us individually to take ownership over our own neighborhoods to stop Planned Parenthood and end abortion altogether."

Visit the #ProtestPP website to find more information on all aspects of hosting, organizing, and promoting protests as well as protests that have already been planned.