Thousands Gather to Rally Against Gay Marriage in Phoenix

PHOENIX, Arizona -- As Massachusetts marked the historical day yesterday by becoming the first state to issue gay marriage licenses, protest against gay marriage has grown stronger and more rallies are expected to take place in other states.

Looking at what is happening in Massachusetts, many pro-family Arizonians have become concerned of the possibility that the same event could happen in Arizona and decided to hold a big protest against gay marriage.

Yesterday in Phoenix, Arizona, as many as 8,000 people gathered outside the state capitol to rally against same-sex marriages.

Protestors marched around the state Senate and House of Representatives and the Arizona Supreme Court building wearing white shirts that said "for the purity of marriage" with signs that read “One Man One Woman.”

The rally was organized by the Center for Arizona Policy, a conservative lobbying group that is against gay marriage featuring various guest speakers representing Christian leaders and pro-family activists who denounced the ruling of Massachusetts’ Supreme Court.

"This was not sought by the people of Massachusetts or the people of Arizona or the people of the United States," said Len Munsil, director of the Center for Arizona Policy, addressing crowd, “Rather, it was a judgment of ‘black-robed officials’ in court."

And as he was referring to the case that is scheduled to be discussed in the Arizona Supreme Court later this month he said, "We will be over there praying that the Supreme Court lets that decision stand on May 25."

Christians at the rally also voiced their opinions on the issue.

"Christians cannot stay silent anymore," said Beverly Spitler of Glendale, who was gathering signatures on a petition calling for a constitutional amendment against same-sex marriage. "Christians need to stand up, whether it's for pro-life or sentencing or this."

Candace Doyle, a student at Arizona State University, said: "Just to support the union between a man and a woman for life. I believe God has given each person rules for marriage to benefit society as a whole. If they go against what he desires for us, it's just going to cause a domino effect in our society.”

There were few supporters of same-sex marriages at the rally carrying rainbow flags but no one took notice of them. They were greatly outnumbered by white shirts.