Thousands Join Franklin Graham in Prayer Ahead of 2016 Republican National Convention

Franklin Graham
The Decision America tour and prayer rally website

Over 50,000 believers joined evangelist Franklin Graham in praying for God's blessing and protection on the United States ahead of the 2016 Republican National Convention held in Cleveland, Ohio.

To kickoff the four-day event, Graham, the leader of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse, held a live "prayercast" on his Facebook page and called on all Christians to pray, in the spirit of 2 Chronicles 7:14, for those involved in the political process.

"Much will be debated over the next several days at the both the Republican and the Democratic and conventions," he said Monday morning. "Without question, our nation's leaders on both sides of the aisle and our political process need prayer. We are in desperate need of divine intervention."

Before launching into prayer, Graham, 64, thanked the thousands that joined him and underscored the great need for intercession, especially as the United States is "unraveling" as seen by the chaos in Dallas, Baton Rouge, and across the country. 

"Our in trouble," he said. "The only hope for this country is God - it's not the politicians, it's God. But God uses politicians, and we pray that..they will listen to God's voice, and hear his voice. As a nation, we've been running away from God...we have taken God out of our country, out of our nation, out of our government, out of our education system. Our country is beginning to implode, we are precipice of anarchy."

Billy Graham's son warned that America is losing God's protection and blessing as it continues to rejects God's laws, commands and decrees.

"Father, we're guilty of bowing down to the false gods of materialism and sexual pleasure," he prayed. "We've legalized the killing of children in their mother's wombs, we've legalized same-sex marriage - I know this grieves your heart. As a nation and as a people we seem to be in danger of losing our souls. We look at a world that is in desperate need of your forgiveness. We're in trouble morally, economically, racially, and spiritually."

He continued: "Who can save us? There's only one: Your son, Jesus Christ. He alone can comfort the human heart, he alone can forgive sin and give a new life through faith in Him."

The problems of this country cannot be fixed by governments alone, Graham contended, and prayed for God to grant U.S. leaders wisdom as they prepare to lead the country.

"I pray that Donald Trump and Gov. Mike Pence will surround themselves with godly men and women. We ask that you will guide them and the political leaders of the Republican party and across this country with your wisdom from on high," he prayed.

"As we go to the polls this November, my prayer is that you will lead the American people to choose a president who can bring about real change, racial healing, and prosperity to all Americans. My prayer is that we will be one nation under God, who can truly say once again, 'In God we trust.'"

As of Tuesday morning, Graham's prayer had been viewed 1.9 million times, and had accumulated thousands of "likes" and "shares."

The evangelist, who left the Republican Party late last year and declared himself an independent, is currently traveling across the country for "The Decision America Tour", which seeks to campaign for God and encourage Americans to turn back to the Lord. 

Ahead of the Democratic National Convention, which kicks off next Monday, July 25, at 2:00 p.m. EDT, Graham will once again lead the country in prayer.

"I believe that America needs prayer now more than ever before," he said Sunday. "God's Word tells us that the prayers of a righteous person avails much (James 5:16). Can you imagine what God might do if there are tens of thousands of us praying together for this convention, for our leaders and for our nation?"