Thousands of Previously Inaccessible Sudanese Receive Food in Sudan

World Vision announced that thousands of people in previously inaccessible areas of South Darfur received food from the organization last month.

World Vision announced that thousands of people in previously inaccessible areas of South Darfur received food from the organization last month.

The areas of Khor Abeche and Kurumji – located 110 km and 125 km, respectively, north of South Darfur’s capital city Nyala – received food rations last month on Dec. 20-21, after more than two months of inaccessibility, WV reported. Both areas were off limits during the previous months due to escalation in the war between rebels and militias in the Darfur region.

“We were always looking for a window of opportunity to respond to the food needs of the long-suffering populations in Khor Abeche and Kurumji. Thankfully, it came just before Christmas,” said Victor Nyamutswa, Commodity Officer with World Vision, in a news release.

In Khor Abeche, over 6,700 beneficiaries received food rations totaling 135 metric tons, while in Kurumji, around 6,300 people benefited from the 125 metric tons of food distributed in the area.

Food rations, provided by the World Food Programme (WFP) consist of cereals, pulses, corn soya blend, vegetable oil, salt and sugar.

In addition, World Vision was able to complete food distributions in Donkey Deresa, Barakatoli and Tokomoya – all within a 60 km radius south of Nyala. In these three areas, 175 metric tons of food was given to some 9,000 beneficiaries desperate for food.

"Having successfully completed our December cycle of distributions, we are now launching our January food distributions in various areas of South Darfur," Nyamutswa said.

WV plans to expand its food aid program in Darfur this year to reach new areas and also incorporate recovery, rehabilitation and development programs such as food-for-work and school feeding, among others.