Thousands Rally for Los Angeles Pro-Life March

LOS ANGELES – Thousands of people met in downtown Los Angeles this weekend to march along streets with pro-life signs and to pray for the end of abortion.

LOS ANGELES – Thousands of people met in downtown Los Angeles this weekend to march along streets with pro-life signs and to pray for the end of abortion.

The 2006 Los Angeles March for Life/Life Chain hosted by the Archdiocesan Commission for Catholic Life Issues and the Hispanics for Life took place, as it does each year, on Jan. 22 – the date when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a woman has the constitutional right to an abortion during the first six months of pregnancy.

"The 2006 Life Chain is a beautiful way that the Catholic Church is working and praying to end 33 years of legalized abortion," said Astrid Bennett, a member of the Los Angeles Archdiocese Commission for Catholic Life Issues and board member of Hispanics for Life. "More than 45 million of our pre-born brothers and sisters have been slaughtered by the violence of abortion. In a crisis pregnancy, we are called to love them both, mother and child – not to kill an innocent baby and wound a mother for life."

With over 2,000 people gathered at the footsteps of Our Lady of the Angels and Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, the procession covered the sidewalks along the 101 freeway and the surrounding streets.

Lucia Medina, 56, who was at the march holding a sign that read "I Regret My Abortion," is one of the millions of women who after decades continue to mourn their decision to abort their pregnancy.

"I here today at the March for Life because I had an abortion when I was young and I want to do everything possible so other women do not make the same mistake," said Medina through a translator.

Since her abortion 15 years ago, Medina said she has regretted the decision everyday.

Celina Hynes, who had an abortion 22 years ago, also gave a testimony about how time does not diminish her pain and regret about her decision to abort her child.

"This has hurt me to the point I want to die. I thought God would never forgive me. This sin is too big," Hynes told the 2,000 marchers at the ending service. She now works as an abortion witness speaker for Hispanic for Life.

"There is so much pain inside. Abortion hurts. It’s not like you go out of an abortion clinic so happy. It is something you carry for the rest of your life," she said in tears and with a trembling voice. "I want you to see the pain in me. How can I ever forget I killed my baby?"

Many women, like Medina and Hynes, were present at the march holding signs that read "I Regret My Abortion." Next to them stood people praying and holding various signs with the messages such as "Jesus Forgives and Heals," "Pray To End Abortion," "Lord Forgive Us and Our Nation," while cars passed by.

"The reason why I speak today," Hynes concluded, "is because I have found forgiveness. God is so big and I know He loves me. It doesn’t matter what you have done in your life."

"I’m going to do this for the rest of my life (witnessing about abortion) and speak out and tell the truth about abortion. I will share the truth that abortion kills baby. Abortion really kills babies," Hynes repeated several times.

Hispanics for Life worked with the Los Angeles Archdiocese to organize the event and there were thousands of Spanish version pro-life signs available. According to organizers, the Hispanic Catholic community was "well-represented" at the March for Life.

[Source: The Christian Post]