Thousands Rally for Traditional Marriage

5,000 Christians show their support for traditional marriage by rallying in Los Angeles for hours under the scorching sun

While drag queens and leather-clad legions marched across San Francisco, Atlanta, Seattle and New York with rainbow flags, thousands of Christians filled the sunny streets of Los Angeles with a sea of red t-shirts that read, “one man + one woman = marriage,” on Sunday, June 27, 2004.

The Los Angeles event, which follows a similar event that was held in San Francisco months earlier, drew the participation of some 5,000 Christians – 3,000 more than expected.

As was the case in San Francisco, rally organizers in Los Angeles reminded the participants not to hold malice against homosexuals, but rather to keep a genuine respect for all peoples while speaking in support of traditional marriage.

"We are not trying to attack anyone. We are not trying to create any hatreds between different groups. The only thing we want to let the community and society know is that we don't want to change the status of marriage,' said Rev. David Lee, ministry director at Chinese Christian Herald Crusades in San Gabriel and one of the key rally organizers.

Participants also received instructions that read, “If a reporter asks you a question, please state clearly that the purpose of the rally is not to attack the homosexuals but to declare our belief and our commitment to preserve traditional marriage.”

Most rally attendees followed the advise, explaining their cause without attacking homosexuals.

“The Bible tells us that marriage is supposed to be for a man and a woman. And I just feel that we should show everyone in this community that gay marriage is wrong,” said Jeff Luung of Brea.

Bronson Mak of Arcadia added, “I just think that gay marriage shouldn't be everywhere. “It's just wrong. Marriage should be traditional.”

Timothy Chong of South Pasadena explained, “I should support my church because I don't want my pastor to in the future be giving a marriage to two people who are gay because it’s the law. It’s against our religion, and if he's doing that for the wrong reason, then that's not right.”

Also attending the rally was Harry F. Scolinos, the Republican nominee for the seat in the 29th Congressional District.

"I believe strongly the same as Rev. Lee does, and that's that marriage is between a man and a woman. And unless we start getting out of our homes and making statements like this, we won't have that any more in our country,' said Scolinos.

Prior to the event, Lee explained that the rally was a responsibility Christians had in following the faith of the scripture.

“There is a reason the churches should mobilize, because our faith says we need to support traditional marriage,” said Lee. “Ezekiel 33 talks of the watchmen, who has to voice the trumpet.”

“I don’t know how much we could accomplish through this rally; we could be only a tiny little voice,” continued Lee. “But it is our responsibility to raise our voice. Although we may not be able to change the current situation, we must at least fulfill our part.”

The rally was sponsored by Los Angeles Christians for Traditional Marriage, Chinese Coordination Center for World Evangelism USA, Great Commission Center International, Chinese Christian Herald Crusades and the Greater Los Angeles Chinese Ministerial Association.