Thousands of youth are expected to attend the 12 hour worship ceremony, “The Call,” at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas, Texas, Saturday, Nov. 29.
"There will be literally tens of thousands of young people as well as some parents that will be filling the Cotton Bowl for 12 hours at "The Call, Dallas." And, the ultimate final call is to commission this new generation for missions and fulfilling the Great Commission,” said David Shiblev of Global Advance.
"It is my privaledge tomorrow, to challenge these young people at the end of this 12 hour day of prayer and fasting and seeking the face of the Lord, to go to the nations of the earth and finally see our Lord's Great Commission fulfilled,” continued Shibley.
Shibley asked for a special prayer for the event. "I am asking the Lord, and many others are as well, that a new student volunteer movement will erupt and that young people all over this country will get a vision for the Great Commission and commit themselves to seeing it fulfilled in their lifetime."