Through Prayers: Kingdom of God Revival

Global Day of Prayer held on May 15th, where over 200 million people from different countries and regions wiill pray together

Global Day of Prayer is coming soon. It will be held on May 15th. According to the Worthy News, around 200 millions people from different countries and regions will pray together. The prayer will begin from the people in New Zealand and end in America.

Leaders from each counties, regions, cities, and churches gathered together to pray for 24 hours from May 6th to 15th to welcome the coming of the Global Day of Prayer. On the 15th, Christians around the world will pray together. During the day, medias and networks will report the event. Later on, they planed to continue the dedication to God by working for 90 days work including preaching sermons, evangelizing, and ministering.

According to Assist new Service (ANS), the Global Day of Prayer was started from one of prayer meeting in Africa last year around May. At the time, 20 million Christians from 56 counties in Africa attended it.

In July of last year, Harvest Evangelism Pastor Ed Silvoso said to ANS, "It is the largest prayer meeting movement around the world that has never been seen before."

After the prayer meeting in Africa, 70 leaders from the main regions in the world discussed the possibility of holding a day set for people in the world to pray. Subsequently, the majority of the leaders supported the suggestion and decided to hold the prayer meeting until 2010. It is their wish that Global Day of Prayer will be popular and even more popular in the years to come.

The head pastor from Bread of Life Christian Church in Taipei, Pastor Shengzhu Zhou claimed that all the Christians in Taiwan gathered together to attend the Global Day of Prayer. Though prayers, the Taiwanese Christians are going to revive the Kingdom of God in Taiwan.

International Prayer Council will direct the day of prayer. More than 240 country leaders will go to prepare and attend.