South Africa – Trans World Christian Radio will enter a new partnership with Doctors for Life to raise the awareness of and curb the rampant growth of HIV/AIDS in several African countries.
"TWR and Doctors for Life are partnering to address HIV/AIDS in a way that will supplement the on-the-ground work Doctors for Life currently provides in KwaZulu-Natal and elsewhere,” said TWR’s Brent Barlett.
The project, entitled, “Mofenyi,” or, “conqueror” in Tswana, will take the AIDS awareness forward by providing Christian-based programs on the air. The program will be broadcasted in Zulu, Tswana and Xhosa.
"Providing some way of taking people from a position of awareness to things like home-based care, to things like dealing with poverty, bringing in a Biblical perspective to show people how to prevent themselves from contracting HIV/AIDS, while preaching the Gospel and sharing the Good News,” Barlett said.
Because the audience is predominantly illiterate, the radio provides an effective tool for evangelism.
"We are now looking at providing programs in strategic areas which are Biblically-based, but also challenging and meeting the needs of the people in the street in these communities where television is not that accessible and where poverty is very high."
Africa, with nearly 30 million infected, has the highest concentration of the HIV/AIDs in the world.