Tree63: The Answer to the Question

Since the release of The Life and Times of Absolute Truth in 2002, Tree63 has gone through many changes within style and members. Out of the 3 original members, bass player Martin Engle and drummer Darryle Swart left the band. The only original member is John Ellis.

But despite that, The Answer to the Question is the strongest and most powerful album yet from Tree63. Beginning with "King", the album has a extreme praise and worship blend with an aggressive beat. You can tell that John Ellis' songwriting and musicianship has greatly improved, and the production is perfect.

Then there is the first radio sing from this album, written by Matt Redman, titled "Blessed Be Your Name". Tree63's version is great, and matches well with this album. Then there is the title track, which shows just how good Ellis' voice is. Other highlights include "You Only", "Over & Over" and "Let Your Day Begin".

This album brings the best of both Tree63's self-titled album and The Life and Times, allowing us to have an amazing worship album great for the perfect collection.

Album Info---

Record Label: Inpop Records

Album Length: 10 tracks, 33 minutes

Release Date: March 9, 2004

1. King

2. Blessed Be Your Name

3. You Only

4. The Answer To The Question

5. I Stand For You

6. Over & Over

7. So Glad

8. Now My Eyes Are Open

9. Let Your Day Begin

10. Overdue