Christian apologist Nabeel Qureshi's death sent shockwaves across the Christian communities around the world. Many took to the social media to express their condolences to Qureshi's family and gave tributes to honor his legacy in defending and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Qureshi served as a speaker with the Ravi Zacharias Ministries International (RZIM). Early this year, the Muslim-turned Christian asked to join Ravi Zacharias and the rest of the team to go to Malaysia to preach. After that meeting with Qureshi, Dr. Ravi Zacharias bid an early farewell to his co-worker in Christ, in which he wrote:
"You will be freed to the joy of life where there are no more fears, no more tears, no more hate, no more bloodshed, because you will be with the One who has already shed his blood for you, where love is supreme, grace abounds, and the consummate joy is of the soul. The smile of God awaits you: 'Well done.'
'Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things that God has prepared for them that love him,' 1 Corinthians 2:9 promises.
Your eyes will now see and your hands will now touch that which is the only Real estate."
The news of Qureshi's death was first announced on Twitter on Saturday, September 17, 2017. Qureshi is survived by his wife, Michelle, and his daughter, Ayah. Towards his family, many left words of comfort and condolences:
A dear brother, Nabeel Qureshi, @NAQureshi is with His Savior now. Grateful for a life well lived. Pray for his wife and kids, and parents. - Trevin Wax.
RZIM RZIM team in praying for Nabeel's wife, Michelle, and his daughter, Ayah, as well as for his parents and extended family. We know this is Nabeel's gain, but a tremendous loss for all those who loved him and were impacted by his life and testimony on earth.
My beloved brother Nabeel, rest in peace and joy with the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. #FriendsForEternity - David Wood
Grateful I was able to visit with Nabeel Qureshi in his hospital room last week before he went to be with Jesus today. - Lee Strobel.
Heartbroken to learn that Nabeel Qureshi @NAQureshi has died. Thankful for his gospel work, but glad he is now in the presence of Jesus. - Ed Stetzer.
As sad as it is that Nabeel @NAQureshi has left this world, esp. for his family, he is with his Lord now, seeing Him face to face. Glorious! - Dr. Michael L. Brown.
Greatly saddened to hear of the loss of Nabeel Qureshi, but so grateful for his life & contributions for the gospel. What a life well-lived. - Amy Marie.
We wept hard this morning at the loss of our dear friend, Nabeel Qureshi. He was a model of trust, submission and faithfulness to us all. - Greg Koukl.
"To live is Christ and to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21) God used Nabeel powerfully in his life and during cancer fight. He's home now. - Jared Lee.
Nabeel Qureshi is with the Lord, he was a great witness to Muslims. May Muslims see this testimony and by their convert, Lord would be glorified. - Nurettin Oğuz Alhan
Nabeel Qureshi was the finest christian personality i've ever witnessed. Zero hate, pure class, all love. Thanks for everything, brother. - Fabian.
Nabeel Qureshi (1983-2017): http://bit.ly/2f2PR3C - Miss you already my friend. You lived a remarkable life and set an example for us all.
RZIM ministries call upon all to pray for Nabeel's wife and his daughter as well as for his parents and extended family.
"We know this is Nabeel's gain, but a tremendous loss for all those who loved him and were impacted by his life and testimony on earth," wrote RZIM team. "We are grateful for the outpouring of love and support shown to Nabeel and his family over these past several months, and we ask that you continue in prayer in the days ahead. May God bring comfort as we cling to our eternal hope in Jesus Christ."
Nabeel Qureshi Funeral: Where to Watch 'Celebration of Life' Service Live Stream
Nabeel Qureshi Funeral: Ravi Zacharias Reflects on 'Abnormal' Life, Faith of His 'Son'
Renowned Old Testament Scholar Reflects on Life, 'Incredible Impact' of Nabeel Qureshi