Trinity Bible College Hosts "Trail of Hope" for Youth

According to Assemblies of God, the second annual "Trail of Hope" Native Youth Convention will be held at Trinity Bible College (A/G) in Ellendale, North Dakota, March 18-20, 2004 after receiving supportive response from the pastors and youth who attended last year’s convention.

The convention has three objectives:

1. To provide an opportunity for Christian native youth to encourage each other,

2. To help them understand their value to Jesus Christ and

3. To help them have a clear vision for their lives and their people.

Special guests include keynote speaker and TBC alum Dobie Weasel, pastor of Glad Tidings Assembly of God in Omaha, Nebraska, and a Native Ministry Leadership Consultant; and Joel Cornelius, pastor of All Nations Assembly of God in Bismarck, North Dakota, and the vice president of the A/G Native American Fellowship.

Also, separate convention workshops will be offered -- one track for youth, the other for chaperones and a concert by Fresh I.E. (Robert Wilson), a 2004 Grammy nominee for the Best Gospel Rock Album category, will be held, which is anticipated as the highlight of the convention.

A/G welcomes all high-school aged native youth to attend this convention. The preregistration deadline is March 15. The students' fee is $19; chaperones' $15.

For more information, call 1-888-TBC2DAY, e-mail or visit under "news & information."