Two Ministries, Two Ways to Share the Love of Christ

Southern Africa – Operation Blessing and Trans World Radio in Southern Africa responds to the widespread famine in the region through their respective ministries.

Operation Blessing International will send two containers to Zambia and one container to Malawi each filled with 128,000 meals, to feed the hungry children at the Emma’s Kids and Nyamphande orphanages. Emma’s Kids provides room and board for 156 orphans, and feeds more than 250 additional street children daily. The containers, shipped on November 7, are expected to reach their destinations by the end of the month.

Trans World Radio will being broadcasting across the region to raise awareness.

According to Barlett, “Ministry happens when people share the love of Jesus with them,” whether it be in the form of physical or spiritual food.

"We've been able to raise a lot of awareness," said Barlett. "We're able to tell people exactly what is happening. And, not only ask people to pray for a change, but also to provide opportunity for information to get around so that people who have can share with people who don't have."