Two Women Dubbed 'Angel of Woolwich' for Praying Over Lee Rigby

Gemini and Amanda Donnelly stayed with victim Lee Rigby as he died. (ITV)

Two women who showed their motherly love to Lee Rigby as he lay dying on the road touched many people's hearts. They are dubbed as "Angel of Woolwich.

Amanda Donnelly, 44, wanted to comfort the victim and prayed for him in his final moments.

Mrs Donnelly, who is a devout Christian, knelt next to the soldier and prayed for him as the two alleged assailants continued to walk around carrying their knives. She said she did this as she would do it for her own son.

Her daughter, Gemini Donnelly-Martin, 20, told the Daily Mirror that despite many including British Prime Minister David Cameron called them heroes, she believes they just did what anyone would do.

"We just wanted to take care of the man. It wasn't brave. Anyone would have done it. It had to be done," she said. "The only thing people need to worry about is that poor man's mum. We are grateful, though, for what people are saying about us."

Mrs Donnelly cradled the man in her arms and prayed over his body even after being confronted by one of the alleged killers.

Her son Simeon, 21, said his mother, who lives near the scene, did not see herself as a heroine.

"No man should have to die like that in the street with no-one around him," he said.

He added: "I didn't think my mum should have done what she did. She put herself in danger for a total stranger. They could have gone for her.

"But she told me she only did it because she thought it could have been her own son."

Video footage shows Mrs Donnelly and her daughter, Gemini Donnelly-Martin, courageously walking up to Mr Rigby in an attempt to help him before police arrived.

Ingrid Loyau-Kennett, 48, was also praised for her courage for remonstrating with the blood-stained killers.

The Cub Scout leader was visiting London to celebrate son Basil’s 23rd birthday when she came across the scene.

Kennett's son said in an interview, "I don’t know what was going through her mind or how she found the strength to do what she did, but I’m totally awestruck. I’m about as proud as a son could be."

He added: "I think her incredible maternal instinct must have kicked in when she saw that defenceless man lying there. She was determined to help."