U.S. Army General Jerry Boykin on Israel: 'America Must Stand With Israel or Pay a Price'

General Jerry Boykin is a retired US Army General, who served in intelligence and as a Green Beret. He was recently interviewed on the Prophetic Perspectives program on MorningStarTV.com. Boykin offered the sobering warning during the show, "If America does not stand with Israel, it will pay a price." Below are few highlights from that interview.

Boykin was one of the original members of the Delta Force before working his way up through the ranks to general. He was in the military for a total of 36 years. He explains, "Whether you want to be in a spiritual battle or not, you are. And if you don't feel the presence of the Lord in those spiritual battles, then you need to reexamine your relationship with Christ because He is there -- I'll never leave you or forsake you."

The General confided that he has been through some very severe battles, both physical and spiritual, and at the time, "Let me tell you, my first instinct was fear...what many Christians need to understand is that God is still there, but many times, He sets you up for what He's going to do with your life through those battles and those trials."

He said as he looks back, he can see that God was, "only preparing me."

General Jerry Boykin
General Jerry Boykin

Boykin points out that we are in a battle today, "for the heart and soul of America," and stressed the importance of Christians getting engaged in the political process and voting leaders into office who will take steps that allow America to support Israel.

He notes that a great deal of increased division among Americans has happened under the current administration: "Division between men and women, white and black, black and Hispanic, haves and have nots," and all of the division is a part of the old Marxist model that Hitler attempted to implement in the last century.   

Boykin points out that American history shows that America was instrumental in the reestablishment of Israel. Not only because it was the first nation to recognize Israel's independence, but Boykin also mentions the significance of an American-Israeli figure named Mickey Marcus who helped lead the fight to establish Israel's independence. In short, he was called upon to be a military advisor in that battle. It's not an accident that America is such an amazingly blessed nation.

America and Israel have always had similar interests, notes the Jerusalem Post, including the prevention of widespread access to weapons of mass destruction among rogue countries and Muslim extremist regimes, and stability in the Middle East. Israel has been highly instrumental in helping with that stability, and therefore, general global order and a certain amount of containment of terrorist activity for many years.

From the Biblical perspective, Genesis 12:3 states, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed" (Genesis 12:3).