Utah Toddler Killed After Climbing SF Fisherman’s Wharf Dolphin Statue Remembered

A Tragic Event
2 year old Kayson was a "loving and adventurous" toddler www.kaysonshelton.com

In a tragic accident, a 2 year old boy was killed over the weekend when statue of a dolphin he had climbed on outside a San Francisco fine art and antique store fell on him.

Police said two year-old Kayson Shelton, who had traveled from Utah to San Francisco for a vacation with his family, climbed a six foot-tall dolphin statue on display on the sidewalk outside Majestic Gallery near Fisherman's Wharf. Although the toddler's older sister tried to stop him from climbing on the statue, it toppled on him before she was able to save him.

KTVU reveals that Kayson died later at San Francisco General Hospital. Police say the family returned home to Utah.

In a statement, the owners of Majestic Gallery said, "This is an unfortunate and tragic incident. Majestic Collection is and has been co-operating with all investigative agencies. Our hearts and prayers are with the family."

A website was instantly created to help Kayson's family with funeral expenses or any other expenses that they might have. The donations far exceeded the original goal of $20, 000, reaching nearly $300,000.

The Shelton family released a statement earlier this week:

"Our hearts are greatly saddened at the loss of Kayson Shelton .The last words he spoke in this life were "I love you". Such a beautiful and loving child, and while we are greatly comforted in the knowledge that families are forever, we will dearly miss his smiling face until then," the toddler's parents wrote.

According to police reports, Majestic Gallery is cooperating with the ongoing investigation and has apologized for the incident.,

"This is an unfortunate and tragic incident," the company said in a statement. "Majestic Collection is and has been co-operating with all investigative agencies. Our hearts and prayers are with the family."

Investigators revealed that the Gallery was cited for violating code that mandates stores keep merchandise behind a blue line painted on Fisherman's Wharf sidewalks. That line extends about eight inches from storefront walls.

"They can't put merchandise outside a certain area of their storefront," said San Francisco Police Department spokesman Officer Gordon Shyy. "This is a very heavily travelled area so the Port Authority has created some guidelines where they can place their merchandise. That way it doesn't impede the traffic for a number of pedestrians maybe walking."

Although devastated by this tragedy, Kayson's parents are confident that they will see their son once again.

"Through the power of Christ's atonement, he will live again," continues the statement.

"Our family is the most important thing to us in this life and through the blessings of the temple we are assured that our family can endure through eternity. As the Family Proclamation states, "The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave. Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally."

To make a donation in Kayson's honor, visit this website. To encourage the Shelton family and learn how to pray for them, visit http://www.kaysonshelton.com/.