Verdict for Imprisoned Missionary Slated for Nov. 7

The verdict for Manja Tamang, a Gospel for Asia missionary who was wrongfully sentenced for 20 years in prison, will be decided on Friday, Nov. 7, the GFA officials announced, Nov. 6.

Manja, the Nepali missionary, faithfully served 3 years of his sentence before a chance to stand before the Supreme Court. Nonetheless, being imprisoned did not hinder him from preaching the gospel.

“Injustice, false accusation and suffering are part of the Christian life,” he said. “That’s what I see in the teaching of the Lord Jesus, as His follower. The Apostle Paul counted it joy to suffer for Christ unjustly, and it is no less than that for me.”

“I’ve been sharing the Gospel with new people inside the prison,” he continued. “Every week 10 to 15 people gather for worship in our cell.”

Manja expressed his gratitude to those who have been praying for him.

“In the midst of so many prayer partners I don’t feel alone. I am thankful to each one of you, your family and children,” said Manja. “Please know that I’m remembering in my prayers all those who are expressing so much concern and prayer for me. You have blessed me.”