Video of Donald Trump, Mike Pence Bowing Heads during Moving Prayer Goes Viral

Donald Trump
A video of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence bowing their heads as a Liberty University graduate prays the two politicians will be "able to stand firm against the vials of the enemy of God, against Satan" has gone viral.  Reuters

A video of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence bowing their heads as a Liberty University graduate prays the two politicians will be "able to stand firm against the vials of the enemy of God, against Satan" has gone viral.

The moving prayer occurred in July at the end of a town hall event in Roanoke, Va., during the late stages of the candidate' question-and-answer session with participants.

"How can we be praying for you?" Jesse Connors, a Liberty University graduate and founder of faith-based TrueLife organization, asked for the night's final question.

"Give him a mic, because that's such a great question," responded the GOP nominee, flanked by Pence.

Connors then led everyone in attendance in prayer for the candidates: "Lord, we thank You so much for what these men represent in this country. We thank You that Your hand is upon them and that they are called up and raised up for this time. We are asking right now that they will be able to stand firm against the vials of the enemy of God, against Satan. We live in a supernatural world. Look at this ball we're on. It's held down by gravity; two inches closer to the sun and we'd all burn, two inches further away and we'd all freeze. We just ask right now, God, that we'll all humble ourselves and realize we are created, and we need Your help and Your support to make them the vessels that they need to be to stand up for freedom-the freedom You authored in our Constitution-in Jesus name we pray. Amen!"

Trump then thanked Connors for the prayer, calling it a "great way to end this." He also encouraged everyone to get out and vote on Nov. 8, particularly as it relates to the Supreme Court.

"The next president is going to appoint anywhere from two to five [justices]," he said. "If you put the wrong people on, you're back to Venezuela."

A video of the moment has quickly gained popularity on social media, receiving over 1.8 million views and thousands of comments.

"Beautiful. This is a choice America, between Good and Evil. Please, Please, Please rally the troops to get everyone you know out to vote...and vote for good: Trump. Praise God for that prayer," wrote Ciara Sherlock.

"This is truly amazing. God be with Donald Trump throughout the next week, month, year, election and Presidency. Let's make America great again!" wrote Rebecca Mitchell.

"Let God's will be done in Jesus name. Loved the prayer, the Pastor mention "vials of the enemy, satan" and for a "time like this." Keep praying America! Vote, vote and vote!" wrote Ruby Matias.

A Catholic from childhood who became evangelical, Pence has repeatedly described himself as "a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order." His faith has clearly influenced his political views, as he signed one of the strictest abortion laws in the United States and defended a religious freedom law that permits businesses to deny services to someone on the basis of categories that include sexual orientation and gender identity.

While has claimed to be a Presbyterian, Trump, in turn, has a rockier relationship with the evangelical community, and last year admitted he'd never asked for God's forgiveness.

However, a number of evangelical leaders recently endorsed the billionaire businessman, including Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins, Liberty University president Jerry Falwell, and others.

In June, Dobson referred to Trump as a "baby Christian" and urged the evangelical community to "cut some slack" because he "didn't grow up like we did.

"We need to be praying for him," Dobson told Godfactor. "He doesn't know our language...He refers a lot to religion, and not much to faith and belief."